Marisa Rosen, Ph.D., MPH

Originally from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Marisa Rosen holds a Ph.D. in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research from the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s (UNMC) College of Public Health (COPH) (2018), a Masters of Public Health degree in Maternal and Child Health from The George Washington University’s Milken Institute School of Public Health (2011), and B.A. in International Relations from the University of Delaware (2007).
Marisa has over a decade of experience in research, evaluation and program implementation in Maternal and Child Health. After completing her undergraduate degree, Marisa returned to North Carolina to work as a clinic manager and project manager for a local women’s health clinic from 2007-2009. In 2009, Marisa began her MPH studies and worked as a Graduate Research Assistant for Dr. Amita Vyas. As part of her Master’s Thesis, Marisa conducted formative research to create a text messaging component for Latinx youth as part of Dr. Vyas’s $5 million Teen Pregnancy Prevention program funded through the Office of Adolescent Health. After completing her MPH, Marisa worked as a program evaluator for a firm in Athens, Georgia where her work focused on working with clients to conduct process and impact evaluations across the United States. Projects included evaluations of workforce development trainings, adult education professional development, high school to college pipeline program for Hispanic students, and STEM education for elementary math and science teachers. After moving to Omaha, Nebraska in 2014, Marisa decided to return to graduate school to receive additional training in research and evaluation. In 2015, she enrolled in the PhD in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research program at UNMC’s College of Public Health. From 2015- 2018, during her time as a doctoral student, Marisa was part of the evaluation team for the Adolescent Health Project (AHP), a multi-year effort funded by the Women’s Fund of Omaha to reduce STDs and teen pregnancy in Nebraska. As part of the evaluation team, Marisa worked specifically as the Data Manager for the Contraceptive Access Project, a multi-component initiative of AHP to reduce teen pregnancy in Omaha and across the state of Nebraska. In this role Marisa worked directly with Title X clinical sites across the state of Nebraska to gather, analyze, and report back quantitative and qualitative data to the Women’s Fund. While completing her PhD, Marisa began working with Dr. Dzewaltowski’s lab as the Community Data Research Coordinator. In this role Marisa oversaw both the collection, analysis, and reporting of data, the development and implementation of the community-development component, and adherence to IRB protocols as part of Dr. Dzewaltowski’s 5-year, NIH-funded Whole-of-Community research project. In 2019, Marisa began working for Nebraska Family Planning (NEFP), a local non-profit organization responsible for implementing the federally funded Title X Family Planning Program for the state of Nebraska as the Associate Director and Title X Project Director. In this role, Marisa was responsible for oversight of the Title X Program in Nebraska across 11 healthcare organizations in the state. In August 2020, Marisa decided to re-enter the academic research world and joined Dr. David Dzewaltowski’s lab at UNMC as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate. Marisa’s research focuses on community and health systems integration to impact population-level health outcomes across the lifespan.
Tibbits, M., Rosen, M., & Rajaram, S. (2017). Perceptions of Sexual Health Interventions among Urban,
Midwestern Female African American Youth. Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice, 10(3), 12.
Vyas, A. N., Landry, M., Schnider, M., Rojas, A. M., & Wood, S. F. (2012). Public health interventions:
reaching Latino adolescents via short message service and social media. Journal of medical Internet research, 14(4).
McLoughlin, G. M., Rosenkranz, R. R., Lee, J. A., Wolff, M. M., Chen, S., Dzewaltowski, D. A., Vazou, S.,
Lanningham-Foster, L., Gentile, D.A., Rosen, M.S., & Welk, G. J. (2019). The Importance of Self-Monitoring for Behavior Change in Youth: Findings from the SWITCH® School Wellness Feasibility Study. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(20), 3806.
Selected Publications in Preparation and Review
Rosen, M., Rajaram, S., Britigan, D., Wang, H., Tibbits, M. Barriers to LARCs in Nebraska: Knowledge,
Attitudes, and Beliefs of Title X Clinical Staff Providing Services to Adolescents and Young Adults. (In preparation)
Rosen, M., Rajaram, S., Britigan, D., Wang, H., Tibbits, M. Use of Long Acting Reversible Contraception
Among Women Aged 15-24: Results from Year 1 of the Contraceptive Access Project. (In preparation)
Rosen, M., Clements-Stein, C., Tibbits, M. A Convergent Mixed Methods Study Examining
Implementation of Quality Family Planning Best Practices in Title X-funded Sites across Nebraska. (In preparation)
UNMC College of Public Health & Smith & Lehmann Consulting. (2017). Contraceptive Access Project:
Omaha current practices report. Omaha, NE: University of Nebraska Medical Center, College of Public Health.
UNMC College of Public Health & Smith & Lehmann Consulting. (2017). Contraceptive Access Project:
Statewide baseline report. Omaha, NE: University of Nebraska Medical Center, College of Public Health.
Smith & Lehmann Consulting & UNMC College of Public Health. (2017). AHP STD and CAP data trends
Omaha: AHP contract Year 2017-2018 quarter 2. Omaha, NE: Smith & Lehmann Consulting.
Smith & Lehmann Consulting & UNMC College of Public Health. (2017). AHP STD and CAP data trends
Omaha: AHP contract year 2017-2018 quarter 1. Omaha, NE: Smith & Lehmann Consulting.
Tibbits, M., Rosen, M. (2016). Adolescent Health Project Year End report. Omaha, NE: University of
Nebraska Medical Center, College of Public Health.
Tibbits, M.K., Rosen, M. (2015). Environmental scan of services to address sexually transmitted
infections and teen pregnancy in Omaha. Omaha, NE: University of Nebraska Medical Center, College of Public Health.
Tibbits, M.K., Rosen, M., Rajaram, S. (2015). 2015 Adolescent Health Project youth interview findings. Omaha, NE: University of Nebraska Medical Center, College of Public Health.
Tibbits, M.K., Rosen, M. (2015). 2015 Adolescent Health Project media campaign comparison report.
Omaha, NE: University of Nebraska Medical Center, College of Public Health.
Rosenkranz RR, McLoughlin GM, Dzewaltowski DA, Lee JA, Wolff M, Rosen M, Chen C, Vazou S,
Lanningham-Foster L, Welk GJ. Self-monitoring of physical activity and sedentary behavior within a whole-of-school intervention: Findings from the SWITCH Feasibility Study. Abstract accepted for oral presentation at the 2019 International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity annual conference. Prague, Czech Republic.
Rosen, M., Siahpush, M., & Tibbits, M. (November, 2018). Changes in Contraceptive Behavior among 15-
17 year olds and 18-19 year old females in Nebraska: Results from the Year 1 of the Contraceptive Access Project (CAP). Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, San Diego, CA.
Rosen, M., Tibbits, M., & Peterson, K. (November, 2016). Reducing STD stigma and promoting STD
testing among youth: Lessons learned from the Adolescent Health Project. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Denver, CO.
Rosen, M., Ndashe, T.P., & Tibbits, M. (September, 2016). Assessing the impact of the “Anyone Can Get
One” media campaign on STD stigma among Omaha youth. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Public Health Association of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE.
Tibbits, M. & Rosen, M. (November, 2016). Preventing STDs through a multi-component, community-
wide initiative: Year one results of the Adolescent Health Project. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Denver, CO.
Ndashe, T.P., Rosen, M. & Tibbits, M. (September, 2016). Youth perceptions and ideas on addressing
sexually transmitted diseases in Douglas County, Nebraska. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Public Health Association of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE.
Tibbits, M., Rosen, M., and Rajaram, S. (May 2016). Youth perspectives on ideal approaches to
preventing sexually transmitted diseases. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, San Francisco, CA.
Originally from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Marisa Rosen holds a Ph.D. in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research from the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s (UNMC) College of Public Health (COPH) (2018), a Masters of Public Health degree in Maternal and Child Health from The George Washington University’s Milken Institute School of Public Health (2011), and B.A. in International Relations from the University of Delaware (2007).
Marisa has over a decade of experience in research, evaluation and program implementation in Maternal and Child Health. After completing her undergraduate degree, Marisa returned to North Carolina to work as a clinic manager and project manager for a local women’s health clinic from 2007-2009. In 2009, Marisa began her MPH studies and worked as a Graduate Research Assistant for Dr. Amita Vyas. As part of her Master’s Thesis, Marisa conducted formative research to create a text messaging component for Latinx youth as part of Dr. Vyas’s $5 million Teen Pregnancy Prevention program funded through the Office of Adolescent Health. After completing her MPH, Marisa worked as a program evaluator for a firm in Athens, Georgia where her work focused on working with clients to conduct process and impact evaluations across the United States. Projects included evaluations of workforce development trainings, adult education professional development, high school to college pipeline program for Hispanic students, and STEM education for elementary math and science teachers. After moving to Omaha, Nebraska in 2014, Marisa decided to return to graduate school to receive additional training in research and evaluation. In 2015, she enrolled in the PhD in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research program at UNMC’s College of Public Health. From 2015- 2018, during her time as a doctoral student, Marisa was part of the evaluation team for the Adolescent Health Project (AHP), a multi-year effort funded by the Women’s Fund of Omaha to reduce STDs and teen pregnancy in Nebraska. As part of the evaluation team, Marisa worked specifically as the Data Manager for the Contraceptive Access Project, a multi-component initiative of AHP to reduce teen pregnancy in Omaha and across the state of Nebraska. In this role Marisa worked directly with Title X clinical sites across the state of Nebraska to gather, analyze, and report back quantitative and qualitative data to the Women’s Fund. While completing her PhD, Marisa began working with Dr. Dzewaltowski’s lab as the Community Data Research Coordinator. In this role Marisa oversaw both the collection, analysis, and reporting of data, the development and implementation of the community-development component, and adherence to IRB protocols as part of Dr. Dzewaltowski’s 5-year, NIH-funded Whole-of-Community research project. In 2019, Marisa began working for Nebraska Family Planning (NEFP), a local non-profit organization responsible for implementing the federally funded Title X Family Planning Program for the state of Nebraska as the Associate Director and Title X Project Director. In this role, Marisa was responsible for oversight of the Title X Program in Nebraska across 11 healthcare organizations in the state. In August 2020, Marisa decided to re-enter the academic research world and joined Dr. David Dzewaltowski’s lab at UNMC as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate. Marisa’s research focuses on community and health systems integration to impact population-level health outcomes across the lifespan.
Tibbits, M., Rosen, M., & Rajaram, S. (2017). Perceptions of Sexual Health Interventions among Urban,
Midwestern Female African American Youth. Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice, 10(3), 12.
Vyas, A. N., Landry, M., Schnider, M., Rojas, A. M., & Wood, S. F. (2012). Public health interventions:
reaching Latino adolescents via short message service and social media. Journal of medical Internet research, 14(4).
McLoughlin, G. M., Rosenkranz, R. R., Lee, J. A., Wolff, M. M., Chen, S., Dzewaltowski, D. A., Vazou, S.,
Lanningham-Foster, L., Gentile, D.A., Rosen, M.S., & Welk, G. J. (2019). The Importance of Self-Monitoring for Behavior Change in Youth: Findings from the SWITCH® School Wellness Feasibility Study. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(20), 3806.
Selected Publications in Preparation and Review
Rosen, M., Rajaram, S., Britigan, D., Wang, H., Tibbits, M. Barriers to LARCs in Nebraska: Knowledge,
Attitudes, and Beliefs of Title X Clinical Staff Providing Services to Adolescents and Young Adults. (In preparation)
Rosen, M., Rajaram, S., Britigan, D., Wang, H., Tibbits, M. Use of Long Acting Reversible Contraception
Among Women Aged 15-24: Results from Year 1 of the Contraceptive Access Project. (In preparation)
Rosen, M., Clements-Stein, C., Tibbits, M. A Convergent Mixed Methods Study Examining
Implementation of Quality Family Planning Best Practices in Title X-funded Sites across Nebraska. (In preparation)
UNMC College of Public Health & Smith & Lehmann Consulting. (2017). Contraceptive Access Project:
Omaha current practices report. Omaha, NE: University of Nebraska Medical Center, College of Public Health.
UNMC College of Public Health & Smith & Lehmann Consulting. (2017). Contraceptive Access Project:
Statewide baseline report. Omaha, NE: University of Nebraska Medical Center, College of Public Health.
Smith & Lehmann Consulting & UNMC College of Public Health. (2017). AHP STD and CAP data trends
Omaha: AHP contract Year 2017-2018 quarter 2. Omaha, NE: Smith & Lehmann Consulting.
Smith & Lehmann Consulting & UNMC College of Public Health. (2017). AHP STD and CAP data trends
Omaha: AHP contract year 2017-2018 quarter 1. Omaha, NE: Smith & Lehmann Consulting.
Tibbits, M., Rosen, M. (2016). Adolescent Health Project Year End report. Omaha, NE: University of
Nebraska Medical Center, College of Public Health.
Tibbits, M.K., Rosen, M. (2015). Environmental scan of services to address sexually transmitted
infections and teen pregnancy in Omaha. Omaha, NE: University of Nebraska Medical Center, College of Public Health.
Tibbits, M.K., Rosen, M., Rajaram, S. (2015). 2015 Adolescent Health Project youth interview findings. Omaha, NE: University of Nebraska Medical Center, College of Public Health.
Tibbits, M.K., Rosen, M. (2015). 2015 Adolescent Health Project media campaign comparison report.
Omaha, NE: University of Nebraska Medical Center, College of Public Health.
Rosenkranz RR, McLoughlin GM, Dzewaltowski DA, Lee JA, Wolff M, Rosen M, Chen C, Vazou S,
Lanningham-Foster L, Welk GJ. Self-monitoring of physical activity and sedentary behavior within a whole-of-school intervention: Findings from the SWITCH Feasibility Study. Abstract accepted for oral presentation at the 2019 International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity annual conference. Prague, Czech Republic.
Rosen, M., Siahpush, M., & Tibbits, M. (November, 2018). Changes in Contraceptive Behavior among 15-
17 year olds and 18-19 year old females in Nebraska: Results from the Year 1 of the Contraceptive Access Project (CAP). Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, San Diego, CA.
Rosen, M., Tibbits, M., & Peterson, K. (November, 2016). Reducing STD stigma and promoting STD
testing among youth: Lessons learned from the Adolescent Health Project. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Denver, CO.
Rosen, M., Ndashe, T.P., & Tibbits, M. (September, 2016). Assessing the impact of the “Anyone Can Get
One” media campaign on STD stigma among Omaha youth. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Public Health Association of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE.
Tibbits, M. & Rosen, M. (November, 2016). Preventing STDs through a multi-component, community-
wide initiative: Year one results of the Adolescent Health Project. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Denver, CO.
Ndashe, T.P., Rosen, M. & Tibbits, M. (September, 2016). Youth perceptions and ideas on addressing
sexually transmitted diseases in Douglas County, Nebraska. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Public Health Association of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE.
Tibbits, M., Rosen, M., and Rajaram, S. (May 2016). Youth perspectives on ideal approaches to
preventing sexually transmitted diseases. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, San Francisco, CA.